More on Obesogens - chemicals that can make you fat
Everyday chemicals that may be messing with your hormones and metabolism:
BP-alphabet soup. By now most of you have heard of bisphenol-A, a common chemical found in plastics and lining tin cans as well as thermal paper receipts. Did you know that all bisphenols (not just A, but numerous other bisphenols) all cause feminization due to their mimicry of estrogen in the body? This means lower testosterone in men and more hormone problem in femaies.
Obesity, infertility, cancer. BPA has been linked to everything from breast and other cancers to reproductive problems, obesity, early puberty and heart disease. According to government tests, 93 percent of Americans have BPA in their bodies. "BPA-free" is no insurance of safety - BPA may have been replaced by BPB, BPG or numerous others with the same ill effects on health.
Reduce your exposure by investing in stainless steel or glass containers for storing beverages and food. Steer clear of water bottled in plastic.
Dioxins are formed during many industrial processes when chlorine or bromine are burned in the presence of carbon and oxygen. They can bind to hormone receptors, permanently lower sperm counts and eventually cause cancers. They accumulate in the food chain, and are the highest in fatty foods and certain animal foods such as dairy products, meats, farmed fish, and eggs.
For one thing, feminization of male frogs. That’s right,researchers have found that exposure to even low levels of the herbicide atrazine can turn male frogs into females that produce completely viable eggs. Atrazine is widely used on the majority of corn crops in the United States, and therefore is a common drinking water contaminant. Atrazine has been linked to breast tumors, delays puberty and prostate in ammation in animals, and some researchhas linked it to prostate cancer in people.
Buy a water filter that can remove this common chemical from the water. For a complete review of many available water filters visit the Environmental Working Group's Water Filter Guide at
Numerous studies have linked phthalates to hormone changes, lower sperm count, less mobile sperm, birth defects in the male reproductive system, obesity, diabetes, thyroid disease and even premature death of testicular cells. This means phthalates tend to cause feminization.
They are found in plastic products, plastic food wrap, plastic children's toys, and are also found in many personal care and beauty products masquerading under the name "fragrance." Yet another good reason to limit the plastics in your house and any scented body products. These compounds soak in easily through the skin, so steer toward unscented prodcuts. The general rule of thumb is that if you woudn't eat or drink it, don't put it on your skin!
This chemical is used in the production of rocket fuel, missiles, fireworks, flares, explosives, fertilizers, and bleach. It is a commone contaminant found in drinking water. Many food sources are also contaminated with perchlorate. It is known to disrupt the thyroid's function by interrupting its uptake of iodine from the blood. The EPA has also labeled perchlorate a likely human carcinogen. Avoid exposure by installing reverse osmosis water treatment system or a high quality large carbon block filter.
Flame Retardants
Compounds such as PDBE or Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and many others have been used for decades in insulation for electrical circuits as well as being impregnated into bedding and even infants' clothing! These very persistent chemical persist for a very long time both in the body and environment and cause disruption of thyroid function and hormone disruption as well as lower IQ in children. In testing performed around the globe, this class of toxin has been found in everyone tested.
Avoid by choosing organic cotton or bamboo clothing and bedding, and purchasing a high quality air fliter for the home with both HEPA and carbon block filtration to pick up contaminated house dust.