About Dr. Julie Barter, ND
Her Practice
Dr. Julie Barter, ND currently practices in Whitefish, Montana, serving the Flathead Valley and surrounding regions as a natural and functional medicine expert. Working with people of all ages, she specializes in women’s health, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, food allergies, digestive, hormonal and environmental concerns, and chronic illnesses with a special focus on Lyme disease and its co-infections. She is the area's only Lyme and mold-literate physician capable of offering a full range of treatment options. She also works with many long COVID patients with great success.

Lyme Disease
She has been trained and mentored in the area of Lyme disease and associated infections by some of the country’s best internists, including nearly two years of clinical training with Daniel Kinderleher, MD. She is an active member of ILADS. (International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society)
Complex Problems
She has extensive experience in resolving most common health complaints with functional medicine approaches, including clinical nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathic remedies, IV therapies and injection therapies for relieving aches and pains. She is fully versed in pharmaceuticals as well.
She enjoyed busy private clinical practices in Maine and Colorado before relocating to Montana.
Naturopathic Medicine
As a graduate of the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon, an accredited four-year medical school program, Dr. Julie Barter underwent outstanding clinical training. She completed internships in internal medicine, environmental medicine, gynecology, and acute care for underserved populations. Naturopathic medical school training was not enough to give her all the expertise she desired in physical medicine, so she also attended Western States Chiropractic College for adjusting and biomechanics classes. She takes a special delight in physical medicine, completing over 1000 extra classroom and clinical hours in Applied Kinesiology. She also holds Certificates in Botanical (Herbal) Medicine, Homeopathy, IV Therapies, IV Chelation and Ozone therapies. All in all, her formal medical school education encompassed 7 years of doctoral training.
Natural medicine is a second career for Dr. Barter, having worked in research at the University of Colorado, Boulder for nearly 10 years prior to entering medical school. She participated in NIH-funded research in molecular biology, immunology and neuroscience with an emphasis on pain in chronic illness. She managed the laboratory of approximately 50 researchers for five years, teaching others proper laboratory procedure and technique as well as equipment operation. This has put her in a unique position to be able to evaluate the validity and implications of scientific research on current medical issues.
Dr. Julie Barter has also been an avid athlete her entire life. She used to be an elite amateur cyclist, competing at the national level both on-road and off-road. She rode about 10,000 miles per year for over 10 years. These days she enjoys trail running, cycling on road and mountain, pumping iron, and cross-country skiing. She takes an insider’s interest in helping other athletes to achieve their maximum potential and enjoyment in their sport.
She also finds great satisfaction in gardening, and finds the practice of natural medicine using herbs and homeopathic remedies derived from these beloved plants to be a very natural extension of her love and respect for nature.